col·li·sion (n):
a crash in which two or more things or people hit each other
At its most basic, a “collision” is when two things run into each other. Usually, when we think of something colliding with another object – like two cars running into each other – both are destroyed; or, at the very least, pretty messed up! If we take that to a more personal level, when two people collide, we think of pain and embarrassment and we hope that no one is watching.
But, what if we told you that not all collisions are bad? What if we told you that there are times when things collide and, instead of being a wreck, things are made better? Would you believe it?
At Hidden Valley Community Church, that's what we're doing! We are running head-on toward God, and that meeting can be earth-shattering! Who we are and who we can become are changed in that instant when we collide with an awesome God!
Everyone is welcome! Whether you've been to church all of your life or have never stepped inside one before, this program is for you! Collision meets every Wednesday night during the school year at Hidden Valley Community Church. The doors open at 6:00 and the event runs from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Come early to hang out, play games and have some fun. Please note that if Dodgeville Schools are canceled, Collision is canceled, too!
Come and find out what it means to be loved by God; accepted for who you are; and encouraged to find out who you can become! Be sure to check out our facebook page for pictures and invitations to fun events.